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Aly let her mom talk, replying when necessary. Her mom meant well but, oh my god, she was tired of this constant pushing. Her mom was convinced Aly would eventually move to Florida, marry some nice man—whom her mom would find for her, since Aly apparently couldn’t meet nice guys on her own—and provide grandchildren.
Aly wasn’t sure she even wanted to have kids. Especially not if she became just like her mom someday.
Sighing, she turned to Vivi, who was shaking her head and had her hand over her mouth so their mom wouldn’t hear her laughing and want to talk to her.
Vivi never got the “I met this man you should meet” speech from their mom. Vivi was convinced their mom was afraid she would actually procreate and her children would be just like her.
Aly had always been the “good one.” Good grades, never in trouble, college degree and job right out of college.
Vivi… Well, the local cops knew Vivi by name. And after the third or fourth time they’d shown up at the door asking to talk to their parents, Vivi had become the “difficult one.”
It was a distinction that still pissed off Aly, even though Vivi had gotten past it years ago. Hell, she’d pretty much embraced it.
Which left Aly as the one her parents relied on. The one to visit her sick aunt in the hospital and help her cousin move into her dorm room and be sure she remembered everyone’s birthday and went to every wedding and anniversary to represent “the family.”
Everything she would’ve done anyway because that’s what family meant to her. Hell, she didn’t even know why being considered reliable pissed her off.
Maybe…maybe she secretly wanted to be a little less reliable and a little more wild. Like Vivi.
Maybe that’s why she liked Riley. Because he wasn’t a guy her mom would ever think she’d date.
“And I told him when you come down at Christmas—”
“Whoa, wait. Mom, I’m not sure I can come down at Christmas. I told you. Julie’s probably getting married around the holidays so I can’t make any plans.”
“Oh.” Her mom paused. “Well, I didn’t honestly think that would last. Julie’s always been so flighty.”
Oh my god, her mom was going to drive her crazy.
Aly’s friend, Julie, was marrying a smart, handsome guy who happened to be black. Aly’s parents hadn’t raised her and her sister to be prejudiced, but their own prejudices were deeply ingrained.
“Well, we still hope you and your sister will be able to get down for a few days around the holidays. It’d be so nice to have everyone together for Christmas.”
“We’ll have to wait and see how everything works out. You know Vivi’s work schedule is a mess around the holidays and there’s always something going on at the hospital.”
Thankfully, her mom let that go and they chatted for another few minutes before finally saying good-bye.
And when her phone screen finally went black, she drew in a deep breath and released it on a heavy sigh. She felt like she’d run a marathon.
“And this is why I try not to talk to Mom more than a few minutes at a time.” Vivi shook her head, waving her fork like a wand. “You look like you’re about to heave. What’d she say about Julie?”
Aly grimaced. “That she didn’t think ‘that’ would work. And I’m not sure but I think the only reason she called was to see when we were coming down so I could meet some guy, marry him, and move down there.”
Vivi rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, I can’t believe she still thinks she can get you to do it. Thank God they gave up on me. I don’t know why you just don’t tell them it’s never gonna happen.”
Because she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t. Which, of course, she couldn’t tell her sister. Vivi would freak and tell her she’d be making a huge mistake. Which she probably would be.
But she also knew her parents weren’t getting any younger and eventually would need help. But that would leave Vivi alone here.
Vivi sighed and shook her head. “You need to stop thinking about everyone else and put yourself first for a change.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit.” Vivi held her gaze. “Are you seriously thinking about moving to Florida with Mom and Dad? Because if you waffle even a little, Mom will put on the full-court press and you’ll find yourself living in Florida married to some guy named Tad with two-point-five kids, a mortgage you can’t afford, and Mom in your house every day ‘just to help out.’”
Aly had to hold back a shudder at the thought. “I’m not. At least, not now.” She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Okay, maybe I might’ve thought about it. Maybe I feel like I’ve been in a rut lately. I’ve had the same job for five years. I still live in the house I grew up in. Last night was the first time in months I’ve had a date because I’m so freaking boring. All my friends are married or getting married, and some of them have kids or they’ve moved away. So yeah, I’m thinking about it.”
Vivi’s eyes widened. “Wow. Aly, I didn’t realize—”
“Sorry.” Aly shook her head, grimacing. “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I don’t mean to take out my frustration on you. I’ve just been…restless lately.”
“Don’t be sorry. You hide stuff so well. I had no idea you were so…”
Vivi’s mouth twisted in a rueful grin. “Conflicted.”
Conflicted. Yeah, that was a good description.
Aly shook her head. “Don’t mind me. PMS. I’ll be fine.”
Vivi’s grin gained a wicked edge. “I think you might have found the cure for that. You can work out some of your frustrations with Riley tonight. Have some fun, sis. Try not to worry so much. And take the guy to bed tonight, for chrissake. Seriously. Get naked and get laid.”
Was a night of sex with a hot guy the answer to everything?
Could it really be that easy?
* * * * *
“Riley, sweetheart, how are you? Season going well so far?”
“Hey, Mom. So far, so good, yeah. What’s doing at home?”
Kicking back into the recliner, Riley shoveled food. Practice hadn’t been difficult but he needed to refuel before the game tonight.
“Oh, nothing much.” She paused. “Well, not too much, anyway.”
Riley put down the fork that was halfway to his mouth. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Another pause. “Nothing serious, anyway. Oh, your dad’s been having some trouble with his leg again and I keep telling him he needs to go to the doctor, but you know your father. I thought you could talk to him, maybe convince him he needs to get it checked. You know you’re the only one he listens to. When I talk to him, it goes in one ear and out the other. I don’t think anything’s seriously wrong but… Well, I was hoping you’d talk to him.”
Riley closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Being an only child had its perks but he’d been a late baby. His parents had been over forty when he’d been born.
Which made them almost seventy now. Not ancient but more prone to health problems, especially this past year when his dad had had pneumonia twice and his mom had had two biopsies on her breasts. Neither had been cancerous, but still. And of course, all of it had happened during the season.
“Have you gotten Julie over to see him?”
His parents’ neighbor was an emergency room nurse who’d been their first stop for all things medical for as long as Riley could remember.
“I’ve tried. He says he doesn’t need to talk to her because he’s perfectly fine. Which makes me think he isn’t. Can you talk to him, Rye? I know you probably have a game tonight but—”
“Mom, it’s no problem. Where is he?”
“Thank you, honey.” His mom sounded so relieved, he pressed his fingers against his temples, rubbing against the ache he felt starting there. “I’ll take the phone to your dad.”
His mom fell silent but he heard her footsteps as she made her way
upstairs. He knew she couldn’t navigate the stairs and continue to hold a conversation because her balance wasn’t great. Another sign of her age.
Setting his plate on the table in front of him, he drew in a deep breath, trying not to let his deeply buried guilt rise any further.
Damn it, there was no reason for him to feel guilty. His parents wouldn’t want him to feel guilty. They’d never played that card with him, had never made him feel like he owed them anything.
And yet…
“Harry.” His mom’s voice sounded muffled. “Your son’s on the phone.”
“Rye, everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, Dad. How’re you doing?”
“I’m good, I’m good. How’s the team? Saw you had three points last night.”
Riley shook his head. The only way his dad could have known that was if he’d looked it up on the computer, which his dad hated but used so he could keep up with Riley.
Riley gave his dad a rundown of the past couple of games and gave him a preview of tonight’s game. His dad had never played beyond the club level and didn’t really understand Riley’s consuming love of the game. But his dad had never told him to give up hockey and get a real job. Not even when Riley had taken that year off in college.
Finally, the conversation wound down and Riley took the opening.
“So, Dad, what’s up with your leg?”
“There’s nothing wrong with my leg. Your mother doesn’t know what she’s talking about. My leg’s fine.”
“No, your leg is not fine.” Riley heard his mom in the background. “Tell him about the other day when you couldn’t even stand.”
“The damn thing just fell asleep. There’s nothing wrong.”
From almost two thousand miles away, Riley spent the next ten minutes refereeing his parents’ argument while trying to figure out if his mom was overreacting or if his dad was downplaying.
By the time he ended the call, he’d convinced his dad to get his legs checked out and told his mom he’d call later this week to make sure his dad had gone.
Setting his phone on the table, he picked up his plate but his appetite was gone.
Fuck. What the hell was he supposed to do? He couldn’t go home. He had a game tonight and he needed to have his head on straight. He already had Aly in there, fucking with his concentration. And now this stuff with his parents.
“Dude, everything okay?”
Justin walked into the living room with a sandwich in one hand and a glass of chocolate milk in the other.
“Yeah. It’s fine. It’s just…my parents.”
“They sick?” Justin sat in the chair opposite him, munching away, oblivious to the fact that he was already wearing some of the mayo from this sandwich.
“No. I don’t know.” He shrugged. “My dad’s having trouble with his leg. My mom’s worried. I’m not there.”
“Hey, man. They were adults before you were born. I think they can take care of themselves.”
The simplicity of Justin’s statement made Riley blink. And then grin as he shook his head.
“So you going out with that girl again tonight?” Justin asked. “She was fucking hot, man.”
Before Riley could answer, Justin continued. “You think Coach is gonna switch up the lines tonight? A few of the guys were talking about it— Why are you laughing?”
It took Riley almost a minute to rein in his laughter while Justin looked at him like he’d lost his mind.
“You gonna tell me what the hell you were laughing at?”
Riley shook his head. “Man, does your brain ever shut off?”
Justin shrugged, not offended at all. “Nope. So you seeing her again?”
“Yeah, I am.”
And tonight, he wasn’t stopping until she asked him to.
* * * * *
“Hey, fucknugget. I’m gonna fucking put you on your ass the next time.”
“Fuck you, asswipe.” Riley baited the opposing player as they came out of the corner. “Try not to play with yourself in the box, kid. Don’t want everyone to see how small your dick is.”
For a second Riley thought he’d managed to piss off the opposing player enough to take another swing at him, but the linesman had a good grip on the kid’s arm and they skated toward the penalty box before Riley could say anything else.
Probably a good thing since the Redtails were going on the power play and Riley needed to get off the ice.
There were eleven minutes left in the third period and the Redtails were down by one. The St. John’s team was fucking fast but they were young and a little undisciplined. They’d managed to get two goals in the first period but they’d taken five penalties, two of them drawn by Riley.
Now, the Redtails needed to capitalize on this one and tie the game. Then they needed to get their heads out of their asses and win this game.
They’d played like shit tonight, their first line sluggish and out of sync. The defense had broken down more times than he could count and they were lucky to only be losing the game by one goal.
“Good job, Hatch.” Coach smacked him on the back as Riley sat on the bench then shifted down with the other guys to make room for the next line.
“Yes. Nice job, Chickie.” Jake leaned over and bumped shoulders. “Now if only we make it count.”
Their power play team hadn’t been doing so well this year. They’d been working on their special teams hard the past week but they still hadn’t gelled. Two minutes later, they hadn’t scored and Riley skated back on the ice for his shift.
But the ice never tilted back in their favor and they lost the game two to one.
The mood in the locker room was subdued. Coming off last night’s win, they’d been expecting another two points. Having their asses handed to them tonight sucked.
And now he needed to throw off the pissy attitude because he had a date.
For a split second, he considered texting Aly to call it off. Then he realized that was a shitty solution and took himself into the showers to soak his head.
By the time he came back out, he felt a hell of lot better because he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Aly.
Christ, he had half a chub now and he hadn’t even seen her yet.
And when he walked out into the hall and caught sight of her, he had an instant hard-on and the rest of the night’s disappointments faded.
All because she smiled at him.
Tonight, he had no intention of being good. Tonight, he planned to be as bad as he could convince her to be.
“Hi.” He almost had to strain to hear her, even though the mood in the hall was pretty quiet as the guys left the locker room and headed for the parking lot.
He wanted to grab her and repeat that kiss from last night. Just thinking about it made his muscles tense in anticipation.
“Hey. You ready to get out of here?”
Her smile dimmed a little and he cursed himself for the pissed-off tone in his voice.
He was about to apologize when she reached for his hand and squeezed. “Sure. Tough game tonight.”
“Yeah, you could say that.”
Her teeth lodged into her bottom lip for a second before she spoke again. “Would you like to come back to my place for a drink instead of going somewhere? Vivi’s working late and—”
“Yeah. I would. That’d be great.”
Her smile warmed again. “Then let’s go.”
They walked in silence to her car in the lot across the street, her hand in his. He’d caught a ride in with Justin. If he needed to, he’d Uber it home tonight. He was hoping he wouldn’t need to. Hoped like hell that her smile was an invitation he had no intention of turning down tonight.
“So do you have practice tomorrow morning?”
“Not in the morning, no. We’ve got an optional skate in the afternoon that I’ll probably go to. We had our asses handed to us tonight. We’re lucky the score wasn’t ten to one.”
“They seemed like a
tough team.”
“They’re one of the worst in the league. A bunch of fucking kids with no— Shit. Sorry. Don’t mean to take my frustration out on you.”
She squeezed his hand as they reached her car, a sensible four-door gray sedan that would be a tight fit for him. He’d suffer through it for her.
The lot was mostly deserted now, the fans already on their way home. She’d parked her car in a dark corner and the next thing he knew, he had her backed up against her car with his mouth sealed over hers.
He hadn’t wanted to wait another second to kiss her. Couldn’t wait another second to kiss her.
And when she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed against him, he wasn’t sure they’d make it back to her place before he stuck his hand up her shirt so he could get his hands on her skin.
Christ, he felt like a teenager, all hormones and lust. But, holy fuck, she was hot and right there with him.
Her fingers bit into him, pulling him closer, showing him how much she wanted him. Damn good thing, too, because he had a burning ache deep in his gut that intensified with every passing second.
For the first time in months, maybe years, he felt wanted, not because of what he did but for who he was.
And how fucking awesome was that?
Her lips moved with his, opening for him to slide his tongue into her mouth. She tasted hot and sweet and made him want to suck all that sweetness into his own body.
Her natural reserve melted away under the heat of that kiss and she snuggled in closer, her stomach pressing even tighter against his cock.
Oh, fuck yes.
Sucking in air, he kissed her harder, more intensely, wanting her to be as crazy as he felt himself getting. He didn’t want to be the only one out of control.
Sliding one hand into her hair, he tugged her head back even farther and spread his other hand across her back. She wasn’t going anywhere unless he allowed it.
The thought made him want to growl, made him want to put his hands on her ass and lift her into him.
He wanted to strip off her clothes and—
Hell, that definitely wasn’t happening here.
He stepped away, breathing hard, gratified to hear her gasp.