TheGrinder_Kobo Read online

Page 6

  “I think we should probably get out of here.”

  She nodded, sucking in a deep breath. “I think you’re right. Are you hungry? We could—”

  “I’m not thinking about food.”

  And there was that smile again, the one that made every muscle in his body clench with anticipation.

  “Then I guess we better go.”

  He didn’t move for another few seconds, sifting his fingers through her hair before reluctantly releasing her.

  But he didn’t move away, his gaze locked with hers. Her eyes mesmerized, such a calm, tranquil blue.


  And her voice… Damn, he could listen to her for hours. Preferably while she screamed his name as he made her come.

  After a few more seconds, he took a step back, just enough for her to slip out from between him and the car and head for the driver’s door.

  “I guess you don’t want to talk about the game,” she asked after he folded himself into her car.

  He shrugged. “Bad night. Wasn’t the first. Won’t be the last.”

  She slid him a glance before putting the car in gear and putting them on the road. “You seem…like there’s something else on your mind.”

  “The only thing on my mind right now is you.”

  Which was totally true. He’d worry about his game tomorrow. Tonight, he only wanted to think about her.

  “Tell me what you did today.” He honestly wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about her.

  Her soft laughter did crazy things to his insides.

  “Not a damn thing that isn’t totally boring.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that.”

  “Seriously, I cooked, I cleaned…I kept looking at the clock to see if it was time to leave for the game.”

  She looked at him and smiled, and he had to keep telling himself he couldn’t touch her. Because if he did, they’d wind up in an accident.

  “Glad to hear you’re enjoying the games.”

  “I enjoy watching you.”

  Oh fuck. The things he wanted to say to her right now could get him arrested in some states and would definitely involve putting his hands on her. And then they’d be in real trouble.

  “You can watch me whenever you want.”

  “I think I might like to watch you skate with a few less clothes on.”

  She startled a laugh out of him. “You’re a little kinkier than you like to pretend, aren’t you?”

  “I never have been before. And I didn’t say I wanted to see you skate naked. That might be…dangerous.”

  He shrugged. “Not as much as you might think. And you’d probably be surprised to find out it wouldn’t be the first time.”

  She shook her head, her soft laughter raising goosebumps on his skin. “I don’t think anything you could say would surprise me. I have a feeling you haven’t exactly been a saint.”

  “Now why would you think that?”

  Her smile grew at the teasing tone of his voice. “Let’s just say you kiss like you’ve had lots of practice.”

  He wondered if she was put off by that. She didn’t seem to be, but he still hadn’t mastered the art of reading a woman’s mind. Probably never would.

  “Is that a problem?”

  She slid him a quick glance as she drove away from the arena. “Only if you don’t plan on continuing to kiss me.”

  “You only have to ask and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  “Better be careful. Keep giving me whatever I want and I won’t want you to stop.”

  At the moment, that wasn’t a problem. Actually, he wasn’t sure that would ever be a problem, which was ridiculous because they’d been on exactly one date. Hell, they could be awful together in bed. She might love Brussels sprouts, which would be a total turnoff. She might grow to hate the game he loved. Been there, done that, had the divorce to prove it.

  “Honey, I will give you as much as you want for as long as you want it.”

  He thought she’d laugh again. That’s what he’d been going for. Instead, she gave him another one of those looks and another one of those smiles and he had to restrain himself from kissing her.

  He knew from last night they’d be at her house in a few minutes and he’d be damned if he did anything to slow them down. But, holy hell, if she didn’t drive faster, he was going to put his foot on the gas pedal himself.

  Turns out, he didn’t have to. She gave the car a little more gas, and soon enough she was pulling to a stop in front of her house.

  Conversation had died but anticipation had risen with every second.

  He held himself in check as she parked the car on the street but jumped out as soon as the car stopped moving and headed for the driver’s door.

  She smiled up at him as he reached for her hand to help her out of the car. And she didn’t let go as they walked to the door. Lacing her fingers through his, she held on, moving close enough that he felt her breast brush against his arm.

  And holy fuck, who would’ve thought that little bit of contact could make heat flush through his body like a flash fire?

  If he wasn’t careful, he’d embarrass the hell out of himself before he even got in the house.

  He didn’t want to give up her hand but she needed both to open the front door. He reluctantly released her but as soon as they were both inside, he took her by the shoulders, spun her around, and crowded her back against the door.

  He heard her suck in a breath but he didn’t hear any fear. And when he caught and held her gaze, he saw only desire.

  She lifted her hands to his shoulders and settled them there, their warm weight setting a match to his already smoldering lust.

  Her head dropped back against the door and she stared straight into his eyes.

  “Do you want something to drink?”

  He shook his head, his hands falling to her waist, caressing the flare of her hips.

  Her dark blond eyebrows rose, a tease in the arch. “Not thirsty?”


  “Something to eat?”

  He let his mouth curve slightly and watched her cheeks redden slightly. “Not hungry…for food.”

  He felt her hips lift under his hands, felt the zipper of her jeans brush against his cock for a brief second before she moved away.

  “Want to watch some TV?”

  “Only if you’re standing in front of it taking your clothes off.”

  She blinked and he thought maybe he’d just stuck his foot in his mouth. Then she laughed.

  And hot sex against the door became a very real possibility.

  She stepped into him, put her hands on his jaw and pulled him down so she could kiss him.

  Surprise made him freeze for about a millisecond. Then he got with the program.

  He tightened his hold on her hips and dragged her closer. She came without hesitation, plastering herself against him from chest to thighs and adding fuel to the fire already burning in his blood.

  Kissing him hard, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and opened her mouth to him.

  The kiss went from blazing to inferno in the blink of an eye and his brain blanked out everything but her and his need to have her.

  As his tongue slid along hers, he groaned when she returned the caress with her own.


  His cock hardened into a painful, throbbing ache and he pulled her hips against his, pressing his erection against her mound, trying to get some relief. She moaned into his mouth and rubbed her hips against him.

  Her lips soft and open beneath his, she arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest as she rose on her toes. Her fingers slid into his hair and tugged on the strands. His scalp stung but, damn, he liked it.

  Pressing harder into the kiss, he let his hands spread on her hips then slide around to her back so he could urge her even closer. But he didn’t think he’d ever be able to get her close enough. At least not with her clothes on.

  And since she seemed
to be totally with the program, he didn’t think she’d push him away if she slipped his hand under her shirt to get to her bare skin. Because, damn, all he wanted to do right now was touch her.

  Putting one hand on her ass, he let the other slip under the hem and groaned as his fingers encountered warm flesh.

  So damn soft.

  God damn, this was gonna get out of hand fast.

  He thought about slowing down but then she scraped her nails along his scalp, shooting lightning bolts through his body and nuking any thoughts of going slow.

  Tangling his tongue with hers, he put one hand on her ass and took her off her feet. She gasped but quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss.

  Fuck yes.

  He let their tongues tangle for several more minutes, loving the taste of her and the feel of her body against his. She was soft in all the right places and the urge to have his hands touching every inch of her had become an overwhelming desire.

  With her hands in his hair and her legs around his waist, she let him know she was right there with him.

  All the frustration from tonight’s game fed into his lust, made it burn hotter, until he couldn’t stand to only have one hand and his mouth on her.

  Pulling away, he wanted to say something but she followed him, her lips clinging and her hands pressing him back toward her. With a groan, he let her dictate terms since she seemed to be intent on kissing him and he had no trouble with that.

  Her enthusiasm made his dick even harder, and he hoped like hell he didn’t come in his pants. How fucking embarrassing would that be?

  But damn, the woman knew exactly what to do to make him hot. Her tongue slid along his with so much teasing eroticism, every muscle in his body clenched.

  This girl might look sweet and innocent but her kisses could melt stone. Or make flesh hard as rock, which was what his cock felt like right now. A throbbing, stiff column of granite.

  And now she was rolling her hips against his, pressing her mound against his erection and making him see stars behind his closed eyelids.

  Turning his head so he could talk, he caught his breath as her lips pressed against his cheek and back until she sank her teeth into his earlobe.

  “Fuck. Aly, hold up.”

  “Don’t want to,” she whispered in his ear. “Are you getting cold feet?”

  “Honey, nothing on me’s cold right now. I just need to hear you say yes.”

  Her soft laughter in his ear made him shudder.

  “I guess the fact that I’m practically getting myself off rubbing against you right now isn’t enough of a hint.” As he practically swallowed his tongue, she licked his earlobe then put her lips right against his ear. “Yes.”

  His arms tightened around her and he had a quick second to say “Hang on” before he turned and headed for the first piece of furniture that looked sturdy. He’d broken a sofa arm once, practically ripped it off with some yoga instructor who’d been the bendiest person he’d ever met.

  And there was the chair he and some puck bunny had busted in some hotel room in…oh hell, he didn’t give a fuck where right now.

  All he wanted was to get Aly to the couch.

  Luckily, he had a clean shot straight to it, and when he finally had his ass planted on it, he had Aly right where he wanted her. With her knees spread on either side of his hips and his hands spread across her back, keeping her close.

  Not that she seemed to want to go anywhere.

  Her hands rose to cup his jaw and she brought their mouths back together for another one of those breath-stealing, heart-stopping kisses.

  He had a brief second to wonder if he was the one being seduced instead of the other way around. Then he realized he’d be okay with that.

  But only because it was Aly.

  That didn’t mean he was just going to sit there while she kissed her way down his jaw to his neck and made his hands tighten on her hips.

  Fuck that.

  Sliding his hands under her shirt, he spread his fingers across her bare skin and let the warmth of her body seep into his.

  She let out a little moan as she rose onto her knees, her hands tugging on his hair until he complied and let his head fall back. She followed, her hands releasing his hair so she could slide her fingers into the back of his shirt.

  He wore a dress shirt but hadn’t bothered with his tie so the first few buttons were already undone. She took full advantage by sliding her hands around his neck to the buttons he had done up and started slipping them through their holes.

  When she’d gotten almost to the top of his pants, she sat back and let their gazes connect.

  The half-smile on her face made it hard for him to breathe.

  “I didn’t realize there’d be layers.” She tilted her head, silky hair sliding over her shoulder. “Good thing I’m dedicated to finishing what I started.”

  The husky tone of her voice sliced straight through to his gut, making his muscles clench as she pushed the shirt off his shoulders then stared at him with raised eyebrows.

  He knew what she wanted and leaned forward just enough for her to push it all the way down his arms so he could push it over his hands. He left it crumpled behind him, immediately forgotten.

  His lips curved in a smile as she contemplated his plain white undershirt. He figured she’d say something about how unsexy it was when the corners of her mouth tilted up and she shot him a look that made his skin sizzle.

  “I’ll let you in on a little secret.” She trailed her fingers over the neckline, barely brushing his skin. “Women think guys who wear undershirts are hot.”

  Smiling at the amusement in her voice, he figured she was teasing him. “Yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Well, you know how guys like women in sexy lingerie? Some women think guys look just as hot in t-shirts and tight boxers. The way they cling to your muscles.” She ran her fingers over his pecs and barely brushed his nipples. “It makes me want to stroke my hands along the fabric and feel what’s beneath.”

  His mouth dried with her every word until his lungs felt heavy and tight. He sucked in air, his gaze locked on hers. She could talk all night and he didn’t think he’d ever get bored. Especially not if she kept talking like this.

  And kept stroking her nails along the fabric over his nipples, making them hard and sensitive. Her nails were just long enough to catch on the fabric and on his nipples, the slight sting as she caught the little piece of flesh on each upward stroke making his cock throb even harder.

  “Give me a guy in tight boxers and my panties get wet.”

  Holy fuck. This girl might actually give better sexy talk than he did.

  How the hell had he gotten so damn lucky? Time to up his game.

  “So I guess you wanna take my pants off now, too? ’Cause I gotta tell you, I think you’re gonna like what you find.”

  Luckily for him, he was mainly a boxer-brief guy, though he did have a couple pairs of tighty-whiteys in his drawers.

  Her smile widened as her fingers continued their way down his chest, over his stomach, stopping just short of his waistband, where his cock pressed against the zipper with ever-increasing force.

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for the whole unveiling just yet.”

  Her fingers made that statement a lie as she moved her hand just enough that her nails brushed over the zipper of his pants.

  “Then maybe you need to take a little time-out and let me help you out of a few of your clothes. Maybe I wanna see what you’re hiding. Cotton? Silk? Bikinis? Granny panties?”

  She laughed and the sound sparked fire along his nerve endings.

  “You’re out of luck if you’re excited about the granny panties.”

  “Well, damn. Maybe next time.”

  Her fingers stuttered back up over his stomach. “Maybe we should concentrate on the first time for now.”

  “I’m a guy who likes to plan ahead.”

  “And what exactly are you planning now?”

bsp; “How I can get you to unzip my pants.”

  Her gaze flashed back up to his and, though her smile wasn’t as wide, it was infinitely hotter and promised things he could only dream about.

  “I think the magic word is ‘please.’”

  Lifting his hands to cup her face, he drew her closer. Their lips only a hair’s breadth away, he whispered, “Please,” and watched her lashes flutter before he sealed their lips together and kissed her like he needed her to breathe.

  Her palms pressed to his chest as she opened her mouth and tangled her tongue with his, licking and sucking and giving him everything he wanted and more.

  He almost missed the fact that her hands were moving down his body as she rose slightly onto her knees. But when her fingers danced along his waistband, he groaned and his hands dropped to her waist and tried to pull her closer.

  She resisted, probably because her hands were working at his belt. So he eased up and gave her room to work. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying the way she was taking her time.

  He’d always been a fast-gratification kind of guy. He loved hockey for its speed, got a rush out of the exhilaration.

  He was getting the same thrill from Aly’s breathtakingly slow unbuckling of his belt. Tensed from his shoulders through his calves, he tried to loosen his muscles. But when she finally separated the two ends and her fingers pressed into his abdomen to release the button, he jerked her closer.

  Her lips curved against his and she pulled back just far enough to speak.

  “I’m beginning to think you have no patience, Mr. Hatch.”

  “I’m beginning to think you like torturing me.”

  “This is torture?”

  “Fuck, yeah, it’s torture. The good kind.”

  She laughed. “Glad to hear you’re enjoying it.”

  “I’d enjoy it a hell of a lot better if your hands found their way into my pants.”

  “I’m getting there. Are you always in such a rush?”

  Because it’s exactly what he’d been thinking about only seconds ago, he ran his hands from her hips up her sides to just under her arms, his thumbs barely brushing the sides of her breasts.

  He heard her swift inhale and felt her shiver beneath his hands, making him that much hungrier for skin-on-skin contact.

  “Sometimes fast is good. You can’t catch your breath and your adrenaline’s pumping and everything’s hypersensitive.”